To many of us women, Yoni Steaming seems appealing yet foreign. Below, you'll find answers to many of your questions.

**How private is the session?**

Extremely private. While this service is usually done in an open, communal room, Yoni Steam Honolulu recognizes the cultural diversity of our islands and offers individual rooms with linen walls providing complete privacy and tranquility. You are in a full length gown during your steam. Your body is never touched by anyone other than you. Your modesty is never compromised.

**Can I reserve the spa for bridal parties and other special occasions?**

Yes, this service can also be shared with your girlfriends for a ladies night "in", retreats, bridal showers, and other occasions to relax and have fun with your friends. Ask about special inclusions and requests! **To reserve the entire spa, reservations must be made in advance.**

**How is a Yoni steam done?**

During the Yoni steaming, you are Within the privacy of linen walls, you are in a full length gown. This is a very gentle process which involves sitting on a custom, one of a kind Yoni chair that is hand-crafted locally in monkeypod with a cushioned seat that has an opening. Each seat is thoroughly sanitized with hopital grade disinfectant after each use and then covered in a freshly cleaned towel. Mild steaming organic herbs are placed under the opening and the herbal infused steam gently permeates the Yoni into the womb.

**Can I steam without the use of herbs?**

Yes! We offer steaming with organic pink Himalayan salt and organic rose petals or lavender only. Steaming in general allows a women to reconnect with herself and send love and positive energy to the womb, a nourishing practice, which is very empowering.

**What does the word Yoni mean?**

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina, and also means "divine passage" or "sacred temple".

**Where does the practice originate?**

The Yoni (Vaginal) Steam dates back thousands of years and is seen in almost every indigenous cultures. from Africa, Asia, India, the Mayan, Greece, Palau and Native American cultures. Known as Yoni Steam, V-Steams, Vaginal Steaming, Chai-yok, or Bajos, Yoni Steaming has been used as a common ritual to honor and connect with feminine energy. Yoni Steams can be utilized to restore balance and clear away stagnation and many other issues. It's popularity has been steadily growing in the West, and for good reason. Yoni Steaming allows women to reconnect with their bodies in a positive loving way which helps to clear blocked energy. There is a wisdom worth exploring in practices that have been passed down for centuries. At Yoni Steam Honolulu, we are dedicated to honoring a tradition for women to experience a positive and relaxing way to nurture and connect with themselves. This takes place in our private, modern and tranquil setting.

**Does Yoni Steaming really work?**

There will always be those who doubt remedies that are not proven by modern science. However, Yoni Steaming is a tradition that has stood the test of time. For generations, women have shared their success stories and in the past several years most major cities in the United States now have Vaginal Steaming salons.

**I've had a partial or total hysterectomy. Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming for me?**

Yoni Steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for you. Although all or part of the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and can benefit from the warmth and clearing. Steaming is also great for increasing moisture, circulation, addressing odor and balancing vaginal pH which helps to prevent infections and bacterial vaginosis. Of course it is also a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.

**Can I still benefit from a Yoni Steam if I have already gone through menopause**

Absolutely! Women in any cycle of life can benefit from a Yoni Steam, especially those who are menopausal. A Yoni steam is very moisturizing and may help to relieve dryness and may increase elasticity. It has been known to reduce severity and frequency of hot flashes and also really helps you sleep soundly. It is a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.

**Can Yoni Steaming increase sex drive?**

Yes, Yoni Steaming may enhance sex drive. On an emotional level, Yoni Steaming supports us to cultivate a profound sense of self-love and increases our self-confidence (especially as it relates to our Yonis), which has great implications for a woman's sex life. On the physical level, Yoni Steaming increases circulation and increases lubrication, which is clearly great for the libido and sex life as well.

**How often should you steam?**

For women who steam to detox, relax, and assist in easing cramps and for easier periods, it is recommended to steam 1-2 times per month. For those who deal with other physical issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, and more, you will typically want to steam more often. Individual needs can be discussed further during your appointment with a practitioner.

**When should I avoid doing a steam?** *

Pregnant or if there is any possibility of pregnancy. * During your menstrual cycle. * Experiencing a fever. * Have any open cuts, wounds, stitches and or sores.

**I have no Yoni "issues". Can I still do a steam? **

Steaming can be done even when you don’t have any symptoms or issues as it can nourish, strengthen, and tone and tighten the uterus. Steaming enhances vaginal and uterine health and promotes emotional well being as it is relaxing and meditative and part of a self care routine.

How long is a Yoni Steam appointment?

The appointment can take anywhere from 1hr to an hour and a half. There is an intake form to fill out upon arrival, typically women will use the restroom prior, then changing into your goddess gown. The steam is 45 minutes and ladies typically sit for 5-10 minutes after it is shut off to relax a bit longer and let it cool down.

**How much does a Yoni Steam cost?


Deluxe $147. Classic $120. Package of 2 Deluxe steams $294. Package of 2 Classic steams $240

**What is the standard tipping policy for Yoni Steam practitioners?**

It is customary to leave a gratuity for your Yoni Steam Practitioner. Practitioners are servicing and honoring your wellness for the entire duration of each of your services. For your convinience, discreet tip pouches are available in the dressing room. If you are unaccustomed to tipping, an average tip is 15%-25% of the total bill. If you are receiving a discount, please tip on the original cost. On parties of six (6) or more individuals a 20% service charge will be added to your total bill.

**Can males steam?**

Yes. Absolutely! In Sanskrit, the male counter part to Yoni is Lingam and translates to "wand of light". Steaming can also help males with physical and mental healing. Steaming can shrink an enlarged prostate, improve prostate health, fight bacteria and infections, strengthen, cleanse, tone, increase circulation, and support relaxation. It is emotionally and energetically cleansing and purifying. The A Steam for men is invigorating and detoxifying. Aids in reducing muscle tension, inflammation and lactic acid for athletes. Improves cardiovascular performance and induces deeper sleep. Soothes pressure from hemorrhoids and assists in anal cleansing. Increases energy and enhancing general health.

**Can couples steam?**

Yes! It is a great way to spend a healthy, slightly racy, intimate couple's spa day. A beautiful blend of herbs to harmonize and heal on a systemic level. Couples who steam together, stay together! This is a fun and unique time to bond and share sacred space with one another.

**What is the cancellation policy?**

Please let us know if you are unable to make your appointment or going to be late. No shows will require pre-payment or a non-refundable deposit for future appointments. We allow for a 20 minute grace period. If not contacted within that period, you may not be able to be seen and have to reschedule. Please be mindful of our time as we are of yours. A $20 late charge may be added upon the practitioners discretion.

**Are any other services offered besides steaming?**

No. We don't currently offer any other services than the Yoni Steam, however we do have add ons for an upcharge that may choose in the spa to do while steaming. We have a variety of crystals you may add to your Yoni pot for added benefits from the crystals energies. We have under eye collagen masks and a variety of sheet masks. We also offer the addition Noni leaves.

**Is there anything I should do to prepare for my appointment or any aftercare required?**

Only to make sure you are hydrated and stay hydrated!